Cover of ILOC190 Guide

In June 2019, at the Centenary Conference of the International Labour Organization, the Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 206) were adopted.

The global community has made it clear that violence and harassment in the world of work will not be tolerated and must end.

This Guide seeks to respond to this demand by clarifying the definitions, core principles and measures enshrined in Convention No. 190 and its accompanying Recommendation No. 206.

It helps readers understand the scope of the instruments and sheds light on how member States have recently advanced in the prevention and elimination of work-related violence and harassment by providing a rich selection of examples of national laws, regulations, policies and other measures.

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ILO Constitution confers no special competence upon the Office to give an authoritative interpretation of instruments adopted by the International Labour Conference and the opinions expressed in this publication are without prejudice to any position that the ILO’s supervisory bodies might take with respect to their subject matter.

When reporting on legal and policy provisions originally formulated in a language different from English, unofficial translation is provided, unless official translation is available.